Filling In The Gaps With Jesus!

Woohoo! Guess whose first Baptismal Anniversary just past?!
That's right! I am officially one year's old in the Spirit-world (or am I 365,000 [since 1000 years = 1 day to God] haha).
I was baptized as a child. When I rededicated my life to Yahweh, and made my own decision to be baptized as an adult, it reignited my faith! This past year has been beautiful: full of financial breakthroughs, miraculous healing (Covid-19, anyone?), spiritual warfare (Satan tried it), and sweet revelations!
The biggest lesson I've learned is to appreciate Jesus for MORE than just the Salvation He gives...

Us Christians pay so much attention to The Way, that we don't take full advantage of using The Way...
Now before you tag me a 'blasphemer', hear me out, and get the full context of what I'm saying...
Jesus said that He is the Way to the Father, and that no one can get to the Father but through Him. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual GPS that uses the Route Jesus gives, to reach our ultimate destination: a true, intimate relationship with God.
Yes, Jesus gives us Salvation.
We praise The Way, but it's time to do more with The Way...
It's time to USE the Way!
But How?

The best love story, and lessons, are found between God & His chosen people. The Old Testament shares plenty of their ups & downs, and much is to be learned about who God is. The Israelites had to go through so much, and live very fastidious lives to prove they were His. With so much history between Him and His chosen people, the Ancient Israelites -- I felt a bit disconnected.
My husband doesn't wear a yamaka, and I don't speak Hebrew. I've never celebrated any Jewish holidays before. I don't have a shofar (ram's horn blown during certain festivals) lying around, and I definitely don't have any 1-year-old unblemished bulls in my backyard. I have the desire to get intimate with The Most High, but how can I get to that spiritual destination like the Israelites were able to? How can I enjoy the intimacy of God I read about in the Old Testament?
The Holy Spirit comforted me by reminding me that even in their position as God's chosen nation, I had something they didn't have...A FULFILLED PROMISE...
Jesus came to fulfill it all: prophecies, God's promise of redemption, and even what seemed like my shortcomings!

Respectfully, I feel as if majority of Believers in my social sphere park at the promises of the New Testament, and only focus on the Old Testament when it's in reference to the New Covenant. In my recent experience, steeping in the Old Testament has given me access to the true accounts of what God went through with the Israelites, and has shown what He's capable of doing! It even makes me APPRECIATE Jesus all the more! I don't have to make endless sacrifices to be forgiven: Jesus handled all of that. I don't have to pray a specific way, or eat certain foods, or experience God through third-party vendors. Jesus fills in the spiritual bridge the first Adam destroyed, and I'm choosing to gladly walk over it to my destination --> One-ness with God, through Christ!
As Believers, we don't have to do what the Israelites had to do in Ancient times. We don't have to be them. We have Jesus, and He's all we need. He came to fulfill every prophecy ever told about the coming Messiah. He came to answer every promise of redemption. Likewise, He came to execute the very plan God had to bring all of humanity back to Him. Jesus fills in ALL the blanks, and bridges ALL the gaps. I praise Him beyond giving me Salvation -- I praise Him for bringing me BEYOND THE VEIL, and giving me access to my Creator.

When I celebrated Rosh Hashanah earlier this week, I gladly dipped my apple slices into honey, and jammed out to Messianic instrumentals. I didn't concern myself with the burnt sacrifices I couldn't give -- I simply provided the sacrifice of praise I could give. I allowed Jesus to fill in the gaps I thought I had in my intimacy with God,
So whether it's waiting to be delivered from your shortcomings, letting go of that bad habit, figuring out how to celebrate Jewish holidays you've never celebrated before, or striving to stay on the narrow path of Christian Faith ---> remember that Jesus came to fulfill all things, and through Him, you can fill in ANY gap within your faith...
Jesus is your Filler!

Mercedes Saintfleur is a wife, mother of 3, an award-winning Wedding Planner, an entrepreneur, a professional in the Aviation industry, and a member of Changing Lives Christian Center. When she isn't working or serving others, this 'Creative' can be found studying, dancing or cooking!
She's diligently studying her Word, and applying the practical, relevant Word she's learning from Pastor Paul B. Mitchell to her life. With honest transparency, she's utilizing her experiences as a Believer to encourage others to walk the narrow path of King Christ...