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Writer's pictureBrian Chrichlow


Updated: Sep 21, 2022

The Awesomeness Of God

"The only thing that is constant in life is change." -- Edwin Louis Coles

We are in the midst of transitioning from summer to autumn. We’re back from vacationing. We’re back from relaxing. We’re back to work, we’re back to school. And with this change, things are changing all around us. The weather is changing, the sizes of our children's clothes are changing. The shapes of our bodies are changing. The age of our existence is changing. It all seems so fast. It even seems unfair. Because I didn’t get the chance to enjoy it all. I didn’t get the chance to take it all in since I was so… busy… so occupied.

That’s why I’m so glad that during times like these...

...I can look to My God Who never changes. My God being My Heavenly Father, The One Who sent His Son Jesus to earth to die for me and for you and Who gave me His Spirit so He can live through me this thing called life in a purposeful way. So why do I look to Him? I look to Him because He made me, He made this thing called life and He knows how life ought to be lived. I look to Him because when I’m going from one season to the next so rapidly and seemingly unable to have control of what’s going on around me or even within me, I can rest assured that God is controlling what is out of my control at the moment.

“God, you are awesome in your Temple! The God of Israel is the one who gives strength and power to his people. Praise God!” ~ Psalms‬ ‭68:35‬ ‭ERV

Our God is awesome! Not only does He perform mighty acts that are awesome but He Himself is awesome. That means that His nature, His character is mind-blowing. It means that His personality is something that you don’t come across regularly. That’s because God is not like me. I fluctuate and I change with the seasons. But not our God: He is stable. He is completely reliable. He doesn’t fold under pressure like I do sometimes. He is durable. He can be trusted.

“Before the mountains were born, before you birthed the earth and the inhabited world— from forever in the past to forever in the future, you are God.” ~ Psalms‬ ‭90:2‬ ‭CEB‬‬

When I think about the fact that God has always existed, I pause and I say “How can that be?” I even think that’s impossible because everything has to have a beginning, right? Well… doesn’t it?! What is true for me, true for you, and true for everyone and everything else is not true for God. Why? Because God is awesome! There is no one like Him! We have a beginning but He has no beginning! We were birthed into this world but no one birthed Him! He’s always been Who He’s been! He’ll always be Who He’ll be! He is! He just is! There’s no other way to put it… in words. There’s only a way to place it… that’s in worship. Selah.

I have been trained to know things based on what I understand. However that has brought me to a certain point. Yes, in all my getting, I do need more understanding. However I need to understand that when I don’t understand anymore, trusting Him still is true understanding. I need to understand that trusting Him is a means of transportation. In order for me to transition from a life out of my control to a life of peace, if I choose to go across the bridge of trust I will get the opportunity to know God better. I’ll get the opportunity to know myself better. This will happen with each step I take with Him leading me by the hand every step of the way. Although this can be especially challenging because I can’t always trace God’s exact steps currently or the ones ahead of me, I can look back over my life and see that His footprints were in the sand. I can look back and see that His fingerprints were uniquely shaping me on the potter’s wheel. So I choose to by faith take the next step that He woos me to take. I won’t worry about the ones after. Because The One who’s telling me which step to take is outside of time and space and sees from a higher view what the next step I ought to take should be. He knows and He’s always known. Trust Him.

‬“Be still, and know that I’m God.” ~ Ps 46:10 ESV

Let me encourage you to pause for a moment and ponder these next few statements as it pertains to your life:

God knows you.

God knows who you are.

He knows where you are.

God knows where you’ve been.

God knows where you’re going.

Pause for one more moment. Good.

Now know that God is awesome in His pre-existent nature. Let’s give Him our life to control. Let’s give Him those people and things He’s given us to steward and ask Him for wisdom to manage them better.

Know that God has everything in control in the spirit realm where victory has already been won by our Savior Jesus Christ when He died on the cross. Receive God’s peace and His joy as you believe (Rom 15:13) that God will take our prayers and trust in Him from His world, the parent world and cause things to change in our natural world.

Our God is with us. He’s awesome: in His nature and in His deeds. He’s moving on your behalf. Be encouraged!

Tag someone you know on social media and let them know about T.A.G. (The Awesomeness of God).


Brian Chrichlow is a devoted husband, father of two beautiful daughters, and partners with his wife to lead Changing Lives Christian Center's PRE-TEEN MINISTRY. His intellect and humor positively affect everyone around him! In his spare time, he can be found fellowshipp-ing with the men of CLCC, spending quality time with his family, or acting on stage for a CLCC holiday play!


Until next week -- be safe, be blessed, and be narrow...

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